With his new work >> Echoland << Jörg Gläscher takes a deep inside look
behind the scenes of one of the largest political institutions in the world. He shows the struggle for Europe in the halls of the EU Parliament, in the offices of the EU Commission or in the lobby of the EU Council, where decisions are made for millions of citizens: discussing and debating, strategic planning and weighing, the waiting
for the next round.
This view of the bureaucratic apparatus of Europe is further enhanced by recurrent recordings of those places where Europe actually takes place or has left its mark. These are landscapes that tell of historical battles – or, as the refugee camps in Calais, refer to very current conflicts. It is disturbing places like the burial hall at Sre- brenica or the mountain of crosses at Siauliai in Lithuania. In their constant repetiti- on, the images echo through the busy office space, reminiscent of the constants of European history.
With „Echoland“ Jörg Gläscher connects past and present, inside and outside, the negotiation of diplomacy and the living presence of the European memory. It reflects the ideals and challenges of the european idea, and unites the various settings in which the struggle for Europe is visible and thus can be reflected and remembered.
Sophia Greiff
kindly supported by Kulturwerk der VG Bild Kunst Bonn and Kulturstiftung des Freistaates Sachsen